Ejercicios en Salud/ Exercises on Health (EES) is a project that explores notions of health and its absence through garments and wearable objects, addressing the hardships and opportunities that the experience of health can bring forth.
Ejercicios en Salud/ Exercises on Health (EES) is a project that explores notions of health and its absence through garments and wearable objects, addressing the hardships and opportunities that the experience of health can bring forth.
“Articulo 6: Narratives of gender, strength and politics” is a design and activism project that informs and raises awareness on the case of forced sterilizations implemented in Peru between 1996-2000.The name of the project refers to the Sixth Article in the General Health Law of Peru, which establishes that “all persons have the right to choose freely the contraceptive method they prefer, and to receive appropriate information on the methods available and the risks”.
The project explores different narratives related to this case of forced sterilizations and uses the testimonies of people affected by the policy, political speeches, research documents and laws, as well as other content as raw materials for the project’s garment collection and “actions” . The 12 actions of the project are developed through installations, meta-garments, performances, workshops, videos and photography.
go to siteA Design platform for the exchange —through open dialogues and garment/devices creation— of different understandings on the agency of clothes and their role as media for critical thought.
A design & activism project that aims to raise awareness among designers, students, firms, neighbors, local authorities, and consumers on the importance of conceiving the Gamarra Commercial Emporium (Peru) — Lima’s Garment District — not only as an industrial cluster but as urban ecology, a site of creativity and space of confluence of diverse peoples and cultural identities.
A curatorial and research platform for the study and interpretation of manifestations of design processes in Peru.
LCO/ Laboratory of Critical Objects. Independent platform of fashion and design objects. Upcoming, 2016
BASELAT is an online database of resources, actors, spaces, and activities related to fashion and textile studies in Latin America, it aims to broaden our understanding of the field of fashion and textile studies in Latin America, by mapping academic contributions and diverse resources generated by researchers, designers, and other professionals within and outside the region, in order to expand the general understanding of fashion and textile studies, and proposing its analysis and development from the materials generated in the localities and languages where these were created.
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